Amiran Djanashvili

Brons: vanaf ca. € 4.000

Brons:vanaf ca. € 4.000,-

Prijs: op aanvraag
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Over Amiran Djanashvili

Amiran Djanashvili entered the Special Art School in Tbilisi at the age of seven. After finishing the school he entered the sculpture faculty of the State Art Academy, which he graduated in 1987. Since 1991 Amiran lives with his family in the Netherlands and exhibits his works in many countries. Amiran's sculptures were sold in Japan, Israel, USA, Belgium, Germany, the former Soviet Union and of course the Netherlands. Amiran considers composition and form as the most important, his sculptures are compact and can be carved from stone, wood or casted in brons. He is very keen on details, as every detail must contribute to the total composition. Amiran is using constructive forms to create a composition and 3D element is very important - 'the sculpture must not have an obvious "facade" but should be interesting from all sides. All the forms must be plastically interesting and should be in perfect harmony with each other'.